Sunday, December 16, 2012

Christmas Makers You Hungry

Dec 16, 2012
Dave Marttunen


This morning, Pastor Dave Marttunen will speak on a hungry heart. We see the evidence of appetite all around us.  Much of what we do in life is focused on the hunger of our hearts. Christmas, as God celebrates it in Luke 2, meets three hungers of the heart: peace,  place, and purpose, which are in a hierarchy of need (although we sometimes think meeting one of these needs will fill the others). For example, many of us have spent time looking for belonging only to discover that we don't have peace in our place. Today, we will explore how Christmas awakens and fills the hunger of our hearts.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Christmas Makes You A Progressively Better Person

December 9, 2012
Dave Marttunen


Today, Pastor Dave Marttunen will teach on how Christ brings us freedom from the presence of sin. The Bible terms the process of refinement as sanctification. It literally means to set apart. But how do we do it? Where do we find the joy, the motivation and the strength to choose freedom over bondage. The answer is surprising because freedom is not self empowerment, but self denial. Bondage is broken in Christ when he becomes our Lord.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Christmas Makes Us Forever Grateful

Dec 2, 2012
Dave Marttunen

Audio / Questions / Leaders

Gratitude is deepened as the extent of a benefit is understood. Some gifts are not fully appreciated when they are received. If we view a gift as a one dimensional asset at the time it is received, then our gratitude is based on our current evaluation of the gift. However, as we grow in maturity, understanding, and perspective, we sometimes look back and see a greater value of a specific gift and discover that our gratitude increases proportionately. Christmas for the Christian fits into this increasing gratitude as we grow in our understanding of salvation. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we are awakened to what grace at work in us through Christ means.