Sunday, July 5, 2009

Changing Worldviews

July 5, 2009 AM
Dave Marttunen

Paul’s first paragraphs, after his introduction, explain the Christian worldview. As the apostle, sent by Christ to build Churches outside the Jewish community, Paul teaches us that God is just and humanity is predisposed towards self corruption. The worship of idols as Paul describes it, is more than freedom of religion; to the Christian worldview it is a lowering of God’s identity (his nature and attributes) because idolatry mixes human values into God’s character and behavior. Idolatry lessens God’s own self revelation. The Christian worldview is based on God’s justice, which if accepted as the valid nature of the uncreated God, then requires God’s judgment. As we share our faith and hope in Christ, it is essential that we learn how to speak to our culture. Many in our community (neighbors, friends, colleagues and extended family) believe that freedom means we can choose to worship whatever we want without consequence. But Christians believe while we were designed for worship, whatever we worship masters us. Today we will learn that God’s word speaks to the current beliefs of our day, despite the fact that they think they are both above and beyond the Christian worldview.
