Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Believer's Unbreakable Life

August 7, 2011 AM
Rooted in Romans #20
Dave Marttunen

Audio / Questions / Leaders

My faith is too small. Have you ever felt that way? My action doesn't change anything. Have you ever concluded that? What does it matter that a small person, in a small place is doing a small thing? Can a life like mine, or a church like ours really have influence, or make impact, or dare to think that it brings lasting change? Can, will, does the Gospel work in a city like ours.

When faced with overwhelming challenges, most of us, most of the time, retreat. Most of us, most of the time, when swamped by the weight of our reality, give up before we think, pray, and act to make a difference. We quit before we start because we believe in our hearts and minds that nothing we do will really matter. Paul writes and captures this thinking... "we are like sheep to be slaughtered." Then he leans in and whispers hope... "no, in all these things we are more than conquerors." Today, Pastor Marttunen leads us into our battle to bring hope to our city as he teaches from Romans 8:37-39.