Lost Love - Revelation 2
Sept 18, 2011 AM
Discipleship on the Edge #2
Dave Marttunen
Audio / Questions / Leaders
If you were writing a letter to someone you loved deeply, who stopped returning the love they had always given freely, how would you start and conclude? Revelation 2:1-7 is the first of seven letters to a strong, healthy and vibrant Church. But something is missing in the heart of the Church and Jesus doesn't waste any time diagnosing the problem and outlining for them the solution. Heart ache is the hardest to heal because at the heart level we are the most vulnerable and able to be the most deeply wounded at that level. It is also the level at which we inflict the most hurt. "My heart isn't in it", "I've lost heart", "I am disheartened", "my heart is broken", "my achey-breaky heart", all tell us the same thing—that we know what it means to lose our first love.Today, Pastor Marttunen leads our study in Revelation titled “Discipleship on the Edge”, part two; "Love Lost".
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