Sunday, October 30, 2011

Let Me In - Rev 3

Oct 30, 2011 AM
Discipleship on the Edge #8
Dave Marttunen

Audio / Questions / Leaders

My heart Christ’s home; the phrase has a comforting, familiar, warm, inviting, and hopeful sound to it. God, not just with us, but in us, bringing help, strength, and satisfaction that we cannot find by merit, or effort; it is all grace. So how is it that individuals and Churches can move away from the help they say that they want and believe that they need? One way of seeing the answer is in simple comparisons, like coffee cooling in a cup, or a slurpee left to warm on a counter. Lukewarm—yuck! No one sets out to be lukewarm spiritually. But it happens when something less becomes the focus of our affection, attention and attainment. We stop living in Christ, stop wanting Christ to live in us. We discover that Christ is in the outside knocking to gain attention and admission to his rightful place. Today, we will discover that Christ is calling us to open again the door of our heart and Church to Him.